This weekend was Pride in my city....My Ami says I must be supportive because I prefer boy to girls. So Trixie and I got on our running shoes to support the LGBTQ scholarship fund. We could have done this ourselves but My Ami and My Grandmamma said they wanted to come, so I allowed them.
In my head I was thinking 5k was like 5 kinds of treats but we had to run far, so half way we strollered up! I refuse to be in the stroller I love to poke out of the sun roof. Trixie thought she needed to copy me but she doesn't understand how selfish I am, this is MY sunroof. She was persistant though.
We made it!!! I am pretty sure we took 1st place in the doggie stroller division! Not to mention I am going to be famous and on the pride website!
Just crusin' home!